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About A/Prof Bindu Murali

A/Prof Bindu Murali is a senior female gynaecologist who operates in Wollongong and Shell Harbour. She lives in Wollongong and works as a senior staff specialist in Obstetrics & Gynaecology in Wollongong and Shellharbour public hospitals, as well as a visiting medical officer in Wollongong private hospital. A/Prof Murali has extensive experience undertaking a huge range of minor and major Gynaecological surgeries including laparoscopic and robotic hysterectomy, and addressing risk management issues with all surgical procedures. If you are in need of an expert, caring gynaecologist who goes above and beyond to make you feel comfortable and understood, look no further than A/Prof Murali, the best female gynaecologist in the Illawarra region. See Our Services

Extensive Expertise


A/Prof Murali has broad knowledge and extensive experience in both Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Compassion & Understanding


Compassion and comfort are at the core of A/Prof Murali’s approach to providing patients with expert gynaecological care.

Comprehensive Care

A/Prof Murali is committed to providing expert care for all preventive, diagnostic and advanced gynaecological services.

Find Us Here

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Suite 1, 17 Loftus Street, Wollongong NSW 2500